UK Esthetics is an exclusive rights holder of Natinuel products in the UK & ongoing training provider.
Natinuel Next Generation
Natinuel line, dedicated to the care of skin health, is based on the latest research and innovations in dermatology, and a consolidated experience in the aesthetics sector gained by a selected and leading team. A fundamental characteristic of Natinuel is to represent an ideal “bridge” between medicine and aesthetic, made possible by overcoming the now obsolete concept of cosmetics and opening a new frontier with the introduction in the field of aesthetic Molecular Bioceutics. The Molecular Bioceutics (MB) are professional and home care products of the latest generation, that can completely revolutionise the treatment of skin problems both in Institutes and at home. They are products with high dermatological activities involving the exclusive use of substances proven by the scientific value of having a really active biochemical mechanism of action on various cells of the skin. Characterised by a synergistic action of active ingredients and a working method based on interactivity, the Molecular Bioceutics selectively operate on all structural alterations in epidermal, dermal and dermalepidermal junction, contrasting significantly every skin imperfection. A new door opens into the world of aesthetics: the Molecular Bioceutics, the perfect fusion of science and technology
OSMODREN GEL VITAL MUD These are smoothing, draining, toning and anti-cellulite body treatment products. Their formulation is designed to act on diff erent biochemical mechanisms that are directly or indirectly involved in the onset and evolution of cellulite. Therefore, in addition to having an eff ect on mechanisms known to regulate adipocyte activity: adipogenesis, lipogenesis and lipolysis, they guarantee strong draining and basic purifying action
Heaviness of the legs is a disorder that aff ects mostly women. The problem is annoying, resulting in walking diffi culties and a feeling of heaviness and swelling, which together with the widespread problem of cellulite, varicose veins and swollen, heavy legs, is a main circulatory dysfunction.
To address this problem, we have devised specifi c products able to exert a revitalising action for the peripheral microcirculation, thus improving cell oxygenation and metabolic exchange. In addition, some products such as SOFT OIL and RENESTIL CREAM are ideal for body massage