Energising, biological, revitalising, this product is designed to improve energy mechanisms and activate cellular revitalisation.
Face & Body
Active Ingredients: resveratrol, cronodyn, acetyl L-carnitine, glutathione, baicalin.
This product significantly activates the stimulation of cellular energy mechanisms, promoting the revitalization of mitochondria. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The product is suitable for the treatment of cellulite, lipoedema and lipodystrophy.
Natinuel BIO-OXY
Active Ingredients:
RESVERATROL: Activator of SIRT-1 an important enzyme which deacetylates proteins that contribute to cell regulation in response to stress factors and related to phenomena of tissue ageing.
ATPEPTIDEIS: Improves cellular metabolism. The fundamental substance in the treatment of skin ageing and in the treatment of cellulite.
CRONODYN: Activates the regenerative function of cells by stimulating the biological processes essential for correct metabolism.
ACETYL L-CARNITINE: Plays an important role in the inhibition of mitochondrial decay by increasing cellular respiration, a phenomenon inversely related to ageing. It also helps stabilize the mitochondrial membranes, increasing the energy supplied to the organelles.
GLUTATHIONE: It has an important anti oxidant, immunomodulating and cytoprotective detoxifying action.
BAICALIN (PURE): Inhibits and eliminates various reactive oxygen species such as superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals. It also improves the cellular repair potenti al of oxidized DNA.