Professional products
Quickly becoming one of the most popular aesthetic procedures, Mesotherapy, or Biorevilatalisation is favoured by medical professionals and beauty therapists alike for its multiple uses and minimally invasive method.
With the opportunity to use a single product or create a fully customised cocktail for your client, our extensive range of all natural Mesotherapy products provide solutions for a wide variety of conditions including dull or dehydrated skin, fine lines and wrinkles, hair loss, cellulite and lipoedema.
The aging process of the skin is characterized by the progressive decrease in the volume of the tissues and sagging affecting the lower part of this, which leads to a modification to the structure of the skin “architecture”. Until recently, the treatment required surgery with the removal of a part of the hypotonic tissues. Today, the new settings of Aesthetic Regenerative Medicine allows us a complete rejuvenation without the use of scalpels. We can act synergistically to counteract and prevent aging processes. Thus it is possible to:
• Improve cutaneous metabolic mechanisms
• Optimize the anabolism of the skin
• Counteract inflammation
• Against the formation of Free Radicals and inhibit the MMPs
• Promote the recovery of tone and elasticity of the tissues
• Improve muscle tone
• Reshape the volume of adipocytes of the skin own text and edit me. It's easy.
Product indicated to combat advanced skin aging and promote dermal restructuring aimed at relaxing the tissues, giving the face a natural lifting effect.
Mechanism of action: Hypertonic sterile solution with acidic pH is able to induce an inflammatory reaction at the dermal level with consequent neoformation of fibrotic collagen. This over time tends to compact itself through the retraction of the fibres generating a distension of hypotonic tissues. The product also induces the neo-synthesis of elastin, fibronectin and laminin and increases the amount of two important proteins of MEC (Extracellular Matrix) PERIOSTINE and DERMATOPONTIN, which regulate the formation of collagen fibrils and improve their stability.
The product will favour a gradual redensification of the dermis with a clear improvement in tone and a lifting effect of the face. Use: The product should be applied to all hypotonic facial areas using mesotherapy technique (or conveyed to the skin with Skin Pen-Natinuel). You should have one treatment every week, for four consecutive weeks, then again after ten days, and then one should wait one month and evaluate. If necessary, repeat a cycle of four treatments a week.
Restructuring of the dermal matrix with improvement of the fibrosa component and distension of hypotonic tissues of the face.
This product prevents and counteracts the first signs of skin aging. Regular use of this product will gradually favour a physiological rejuvenation of the skin.
Mechanism of action: This is a sterile buffered solution with physiological pH able to stimulate the anabolic activity of fibroblasts and neoformation of reticular collagen (type III collagen) and at the same time counteract the main anabolic mechanisms that destroy the dermal matrix. Certain substances counteract chronoaging by minimising damage caused by free redicals, and inhibit inflammatory processes, and thus preserve ideal conditions for a physiological renewal of all the constituents of the dermis. In addition, the product improves the regeneration of the epidermis and preserves optimal hydration and barrier effect.
Use: The product should be applied to the entire face using mesotherapy technique (or conveyed to the skin with Skin Pen-Natinuel). This treatment should be performed every week for four consecutive weeks, then two more treatments, one every 15 days and then one treatment per month as maintenance
Biostimulation of the extracellular matrix with a broad spectrum of action for a biological rejuvenation of the skin of the face
TA product indicated for the improvement of facial muscle tone.
Mechanism of action: Muscle contraction occurs by releasing acetylcholine from neuromuscular plaque. In the resting phase of the muscle the release of a small amount of the acetylcholine remains, which maintains the tonic state of the muscle. With aging, the secretion of all neurotransmitters decreases and consequently, also of acetylcholine. The leads to a decrease in muscle tone which contributes to aesthetic changes of the face. This product has been formulated to increase Acetylcholine levels through an adequate concentration of its precursors, associated with essential cofactors in the conversion of choline into acetylcholine. The main muscles of the face can be treated in a targeted way to favour a recovery of normal volumes and to a favour a condequent relaxation of the tissues. Use: This product should be used on the hypotonic muscles of the face by injecting about 0.3-0.4 ml of product to specific points. This treatment should be performed every seven days for four times, then one treatment after ten days and then one treatment after 15 days a month treatments as maintenance.
Tonification of the muscles of the face to obtain an improvement of the volumes of the face and a consequent relaxation of the soft tissues above.
This product is indicated for the reduction of adipose tissue through an increase in lipolysis, a reduction of adipogenesis and an activation of the adipocyte apoptosis process.
Mechanism of action: This product is formulated to reduce the adipose volumes of the face, by exerting multi directional effect on adipocytes. The particular synergy of some active substances present in the product at suitable concentrations allows us to act in different ways on the adipose tissue. It inhibits adipogenesis, activates apoptosis (physiological process without side effects) that allows us to reduce the number of adipocytes, and at the same time we induce a strong decrease of fat content of adipocytes through metabolic pathway related to the activation of UCP and not related to lipolysis. Use: This product is prepared by mixing two solutions present in the package and then injected to the level of adipose tissue, 1 ml of the product approximately every cmq. This treatment can be repeated after seven days if necessary.
A strong biological adiporeducti on for reshaping and deleti on of fatt y deposits on the face.
Energizing, biological, revitalizing, this product is designed to improve energy mechanisms and activate cellular revitalization
Mechanism of action: BIO-OXY significantly activates the stimulation of cellular energy mechanisms, promoting the biogenesis (revitalization) of mitochondria all associated with an anti oxidant and anti-inflammatory action at the cellular and tissue level. The product is also indicated in the treatment of cellulite, lipoedema and lipodystrophy.
Active Ingredients:
RESVERATROL: Activator of SIRT-1 an important enzyme which deacetylates proteins that contribute to cell regulati on in response to stress factors and related to phenomena of tissue ageing.
ATPEPTIDE IS: Improves cellular metabolism. The fundamental substance in the treatment of skin ageing and in the treatment of cellulite.
CRONODYN: Activates the regenerative function of cells by stimulating the biological processes essential for correct metabolism.
ACETYL L-CARNITINE: Plays an important role in the inhibition of mitochondrial decay by increasing cellular respirati on, a phenomenon inversely related to ageing. It also helps stabilize the mitochondrial membranes, increasing the energy supplied to the organelles.
GLUTATHIONE: It has an important anti oxidant, immunomodulating and cytoprotective detoxifying action.
AICALIN (PURE): Inhibits and eliminates various reactive oxygen species such as superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals. It also improves the cellular repair potential of oxidized DNA.
Anti -ageing, metabolic activator, MEC regenerating
Mechanism of action: This product is a unique biofunctional complex that has a high multi -directional dermatological activity, for treating ageing. It reactivates energetic, generative, protective and reparative biological mechanisms at Epidermal, Dermal and DEJ (DermoEpidermal Junction) levels.
• Increases collagen synthesis and other substances of the ECM
• Improves fibroblast proliferation and bio-activity
• It has anti oxidant and anti -inflammatory properties
• Prevents and counteracts photo-damage
Acti ve Ingredients:
GLUCONOLACTONE: it is important in the processes of cell renewal, has a strong moisturizing ability, modulates the process of keratinization, revitalizes cell turnover, improves the barrier function in sensitive skin, protects against photoaging. RETINOL: Optimizes keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation.
GLYCOLIC-MALIC ACID: AHAs that have anti oxidant and anti -inflammatory properties, regulate cellular energy metabolism at the dermo-epidermal level (energizing action).
COPPER PEPTIDE: Activates the differentiation of stem cells, increases the biosynthesis of collagen & elastin. It stimulates the self-repair mechanisms of the skin, reconstructing the protective barrier of the skin, activates the removal of damaged skin proteins. Q10: Has anti oxidant properties, improves mitochondrial activity by increasing energy metabolism.
DMAE: Increases dermal thickness. VIT E: has anti -inflammatory and protective properties of cell membranes.
FRACTION HYALURONIC ACID: It improves the bioactivity of fibroblasts and promotes the biosynthesis of reticular collagen.
This product is indicated for the reduction of adipose tissue through an increase in lipolysis, a reduction of adipogenesis and an activation of the adipocyte apoptosis process.
Mechanism of action: This product is formulated to reduce the adipose volumes of the body, by exerting multidirectional effect on adipocytes. The particular synergy of some active substances present in the product at suitable concentrations allows us to act in different ways on the adipose tissue. It inhibits adipogenesis, activates apoptosis (physiological process without side effects) that allows us to reduce the number of adipocytes, and at the same time we induce a strong decrease of fat content of adipocytes through metabolic pathway related to the activation of UCP and not related to lipolysis.
Use: This product is prepared by mixing two solutions present in the package and then infiltrated the level of adipose tissue, 1 ml of the product approximately every cmq. This treatment can be repeated after seven days if nece (we recommend using the 5-needles multi-injector). This treatment can be repeated after seven days if necessary. Warning: The product can only be used on the body.
A strong biological adiporeducti on for reshaping and deleti on of fatt y deposits on the face.
Anti-cellulite treatment
Mechanism of action: This product is designed to treat localized fatty deposits, cellulite and improve the peripheral microcirculation in the skin. The interaction of the five active substances in the product promotes the emulsification of lipids, thereby reducing the number of adipocytes.
Benefits: improves intercellular metabolism, activates angiogenesis, inhibits inflammatory processes and fights the formation of fibrous septa.
Active Ingredients:
THEOPHYLLINE-CAFFEINE: the important ingredient in the lipolysis process. CARNITINE: acts at the level of the inner mitochondrial membrane, providing transport of fatty acids, since they are not able to penetrate the inner membrane on their own.
PHOSPHOLIPIDS: Bipolar molecules required to create a stable emulsion that is favorable for lipase and enhances its action on triglycerides.
THYMOSINE BETA-4 (natural peptide) plays an important role in the protection, regeneration and restructuring of damaged tissues.
Tβ4 enhances intercellular metabolism, has an anti-inflammatory property, fights against the formation of fibrous septa (present in cellulite).